NomixCloner blog

Infinity with NomixCloner: get a free and ad-less Reddit app

Official Reddit app contains ads – because it's their way of monetisation. They offer ads removal for $50/year (by start of 2025). Beside that, official app receives a lot of complaints on performance and usability, driving many users towards 3rd party apps. However, 3rd party apps are also not free since 2023. In that year Reddit introduced a paid API model and started charging for making over than 100 requests per minute.
One of the good examples of 3rd party apps is Infinity. It offers ad-free smooth usage for $36/year. Large part of the income goes to Reddit to cover their API fees.
But what if you'd have your own Reddit app?
Then you could use Reddit API for free, because just one user definitely makes less than 100 requests per minute. NomixCloner service is designed specifically for this: you can create copies of Android and iOS apps with some minor changes. In our case, the needed change is "client ID".
Client ID is a key, which every Reddit account can create for itself with a few clicks. If you want to have your own app you'll need this key. You can obtain it like this:
1. Go to
2. Scroll down and click "create another app..."
3. Fill in the required fields:
- Name: any name
- Type: select "installed app"
- Description: optional
- About URL: optional
- Redirect URI: "infinity://localhost"
4. Click "create app"
5. Copy the Client ID (it's under the app name)
That's it! Now you have a Client ID, which lets you have your own Reddit app. The thing is – you don't have to create it from scratch, NomixCloner can create it for you in just a few minutes. Launch NomixCloner Telegram bot. (Hope you have Telegram account!). Go to Android → Infinity → Set Client ID. Paste the client ID you just obtained.
After creating the clone you can download it. The clone is basically an *.apk file, which is Android native format for apps. The cloned app will be called somehow similar to "Inf00001". You can install it now and log in with your Reddit account.
Accept Reddit conditions: they want to confirm that you're connecting to your account with your newly created app.
Congratulations! Now you have
a) a better app than Reddit native
b) with no ads
c) with no payments.
The purpose of this article is to acknowledge with NomixCloner those who is interested in social media marketing. The service is free, we only require payments from customers who create many clones every day. If you have a chance, check the main page to see what's our goals and subscribe to our Telegram channel to get the latest news.
Start for free with one clone per app every day or purchase Premium ⭐️ for unlimited cloning.
2025-01-19 21:01